カラハン王朝と新疆へのイスラム教の流入 : 新疆イスラム教小史(1)
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Xinjiang means "New Frontier", named by the Qing Dynasty in 1884. Uygur people, the main inhabitants of Xinjiang area, prefer using the name of Eastern Turkistan to Xinjiang. Their belief is Islam. This paper researches how Islam flowed into Xinjiang area. Islam began to be spread in Xinjiang area in the 10th~11th centuries. Kashgaria, the western Xinjiang area was the first area where Islam spread. Kashgaria was the center or capital of Qara Khan Dynasty. The way the local people accepted Islam is different from the way in other parts of China. The nobles were converted to Islam firstly, which is known as the conversion episode of Satuq Boghra Khan. The nobles often preached Islam to the ordinary people and forced them to accept the belief. This resulted in a religious war between the Islam dynasty of Qara Khan and the Buddhism dynasty of Hotan lasting about one hundred years. Hotan and Yarkand, the southern Xinjiang thus became Islamic region. But their second religious war against the Buddhism dynasty of Gaochang(also called the Western Uygur Dynasty) at the eastern Xinjiang (Turpan basin) failed.
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