保育士をめざす学生像・その学生の保育所像 : 保育所実習に関する学生アンケートより
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For opening the new day care provider course, I examined the two images. One is a students' image aiming at day care providers. The other is a day care's image of the students. I investigated two images from students' questionnaires. Students' favorite subject is Japanese. About 80 % of the students answer "yes" to this question. In fact, more than 80 % students answer correctly to this question: "Who is the author of Wagahai wa neko de aru." And more than 55 % of the students have no experience raising small animals. On the other hand, how do the students conceive of the day care? Two thirds of the centers have no pick-up bus. Many parents pick-up their children by themselves. What the students find more frequently at day care centers are sand-play, quarreling, making presents for fathers' day, and strolling to the park. As for facilities, most centers equip sandboxes, flower beds, and horizontal bars. More than 60% of the centers have " three big trees," monkey bars, vegetable beds, and sliders. However, few centers have seesaws.
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