- 論文の詳細を見る
Ongi used to read Buddhist-scriptures mostly consists of Onchu・Wakun in kana and also of Onchu・Shakugi in Chinese.Onchu・Shakugi in Chinese are generally quoted from the previous editions of books before them.The thesis this time is the sequel of “ On the Books Quoted in ‘ Gusharon・Ongi’(-)”, in wllich Iwrote on ‘ Issaikyo・Ongi’ by Priest Gennou and on ‘ Kouin’.It is the report on the affairs of the quotation fron twelve books, such as ‘ Shosetsuin’, ‘ Kegonkyou・Ongi’, ‘ Hokkesoki’, ‘ Wamyoruijusho’, ‘ Gyokuhen’, ‘ shinyakukegonkyoongisiki’, etc.Many of those twelve books contain passages that are quoted from‘lssaikyo’by Gennou and from「Kouin」 ― so-called second hand quotation ― and this way of quotation is flexible; both the wholesentence quotations and the abridged quotations share this quality.One noteworthy point is that in this thesis there are many passages from ‘ shosetuin’
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