両大戦間期ドイツ資本主義の産業構造変化と社会階級 : 職員層Angestelltenschaftの事例に即して(大会報告・共通論題 : 両大戦間期ヨーロッパにおける資本主義の再編)
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This paper was written for the 1993 annual conference of the Agrarian History Society held in Kyushu. It has an aim to analyze the structural change of the German capitalism in the reconstruction process after the World War I from the view point of "organization" of. capital and Labor, expansion of the capitalist market economy, and "transformation" (Umschichtung) of labor classes and industry. Behind this approach there is my following critical concern: This process of the structural change of the German capitalism could be interpreted at the same time as the changing process of the relationship between state, labor, and capital. In section II, two aspects of organization, i.e. organization of economy and society by state and self-organization by the organized interests, are discussed, and it is confirmed that the idea about the relationship between state and economy was not essentially changed until the great depression, and that till that time both labor and capital were "overorganized". In section III, the structural change of social classes is taken up and the remarkable increase of the number of white-collar workers is confirmed. Here especially the occupational differentiation of commercial white-collar workers after World War I is analyzed in comparison with that before 1914. In addtion, concerning the meaning of this transformation of employers and of the change of demand accompanied with that, the remarkable idea of Emil Lederer is introduced. In section IV, the transformation of the international trade and the sectorial change of capital formation are analyzed on the strength of the investigations at that time and "industrial groups in the process of structural growth" are found out. But these new industries could not sufficiently use their new equipments assets and so could not absord so many workers out of job.In section IV, and V, concerning the problem of the structural unemployment a very remarkable debate three years before the beginning of the great depression, "Cassel-Controverse" is taken up, and the interesting ideas of a group of Social Democrats about the causes of the structural unemployment and their proposals in order to overcome it are introdused. In addition, it is maintained that the social movement of the commercial white-collar workers during the great depression was in the same direction as that of the group of Social Democrats and blue-coHar workers.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1994-04-20
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