霊操の成立 : 神とイグナチオ・デ・ロヨラとの間のコミュニケーション・プロセスとしての霊操成立
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Number 99 : 2 of the Autobiography states that Ignatius composed the Spiritual Exercises not 'in a single stroke' (tutti in una volta), but over an extended period of time during which the work was edited. The process of composition of the Spiritual Exercises began with his reading of Ludolf von Sachsen's Vita Jesu Christi and Jacopo da Varazze's Flos Sanctorum oder Legenda aurea at Loyola (1521). However the edition of the Spiritual Exercises continued from the time of his residence at Loyola and Manresa (1521-23) throughout his study period, until papal approval was granted for the Exercises (July 31, 1548). In fact, the process continued for almost a quarter of a century. Accordingly, the Spiritual Exercises are based not just on Ignatius' original experience undergone during the earliest stage of their composition at Loyola and Manresa, but also on the experiences he underwent in the later stages of its composition. Consequently, not just his fundamental experience at Loyola and Manresa but the entire process of composition of the Exercises should be viewed as a process of communication between himself and God. Hence, on the basis of this innate feature of the Exercises involving synchronic communication between the human and divine via intersubjective dialogue, and also the diachronic elements that caused it to extend over a period of time, the composition of the Exercises can be termed a synchro-diachronic communication process between Ignatius and God.
- 霊操の成立 : 神とイグナチオ・デ・ロヨラとの間のコミュニケーション・プロセスとしての霊操成立
- 「マンレサ」(一五二二-二三) : イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラの生涯における三一的キリスト中心的コミュニケーション(1)
- 霊操の構造理解
- コムニオとミッシオ(Communio et missio) : 神と霊操者との間の間主観的コミュニケーションの場としての霊操(ザビエル生誕五百周年-イエズス会とミッション-)
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- イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラの霊操のコミュニケーション理論的な諸解釈