「キリスト教におけるパラダイム転換」 : 教会中心からキリスト中心を超えて神中心へ?(<特集>第二ヴァティカン公会議閉会四十周年記念)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Through varied ways and means of communication and concrete encounters with distinct religious traditions, Christianity has now come to confront a situation of religious pluralism. How then in this state of religious diversity can it understand itself and proclaim the Gospel of Christ? Face to face with such multiplicity, it is a matter of primary importance for it to maintain an attitude of magnanimity towards these other religious traditions, an openness to the presence of God and Christ that discards any facade of dominance or exclusiveness. Yet at the same time, as a rejection of all forms of relativism, it is called upon to uphold the universality of Jesus Christ as the sole mediator, and the necessity of the Church as the body of Christ, indissolubly linked to Him as the "Head" of the Church.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2005-08-01
- 霊操の成立 : 神とイグナチオ・デ・ロヨラとの間のコミュニケーション・プロセスとしての霊操成立
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- 霊操の構造理解
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- 「キリスト教におけるパラダイム転換」 : 教会中心からキリスト中心を超えて神中心へ?(第二ヴァティカン公会議閉会四十周年記念)
- イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラの霊操のコミュニケーション理論的な諸解釈