コムニオとミッシオ(Communio et missio) : 神と霊操者との間の間主観的コミュニケーションの場としての霊操(<特集>ザビエル生誕五百周年-イエズス会とミッション-)
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This study on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) shows that the Four-Weeks-process of the Exercises should be fundamentally understood as an event of the intersubjective communication between God and the exercitant (cf. SpEx 15: 3,4, 231: 1). The concept "communication" should be interpreted by a special ignatinan meaning, which is indicated through an historical investigation on the communication in the life of Ignatius, especially in the ignatian experience of God in Manresa (1522-23) and in La Storta (1537), as Trinitarian-christocentric, in ignatian terms "placed with Christ (puesto con Cristo)" (Autobiog 96: 4). Based on its Trinitarian-christocentric character, the process of the Exercises should be understood not only as a dialogic event with Jesus Christ, but also as a communitarian event with the Trinitarian God. The process of the Exercises is directed towards the aim that the exercitant is accepted through a narrative communication with Jesus Christ into the Trinitarian community. However attention should be paid to the horizontal range of the communitarian dimension of the Exercises as well. The process of the Exercises is directed on the one hand vertically towards the formation of the community with the Trinitarian God, and on the other hand horizontally towards the formation of the community with people in the world. Thus the vertical formation of the community with the Trinitarian God is accomplished in the horizontal formation of the community of people, and vice versa.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2006-08-01
- 霊操の成立 : 神とイグナチオ・デ・ロヨラとの間のコミュニケーション・プロセスとしての霊操成立
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- 霊操の構造理解
- コムニオとミッシオ(Communio et missio) : 神と霊操者との間の間主観的コミュニケーションの場としての霊操(ザビエル生誕五百周年-イエズス会とミッション-)
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- イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラの霊操のコミュニケーション理論的な諸解釈