- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not a new inscription of a national park in Japan on the World Heritage List will benefit visitors to the park, using a sample of the Daisetsuzan National Park visitors. Most visitors to the park regarded the inscription favorably, although no further establishment of roads and trails, visitor control, and further conservation of natural resources would be necessary by taking this opportunity for an inscription. However, both past management of the park and difficulties that have arisen in Yakushima, which is on the list of World Heritage sites in Japan, indicate that the current domestic system for managing heritage sites is inadequate for meeting the expected results of inscription, particularly the increase in visitor numbers. Contrary to the view expressed by surveyed visitors, we conclude that a new inscription of Daisetsuzan National Park on the World Heritage List will not automatically benefit visitors, at least in the terms expressed in this sample. A domestic management system dealing with practical measures to control the effects of soaring number of visitors to the park, expected after inscription, should be prepared beforehand quite independently of the process of applying for inscription.
- 林業経済学会の論文
- 2005-07-01
庄子 康
(present Office)graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University:research Fellow Of The Japan Soci
柴崎 茂光
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo
柴崎 茂光
柴崎 茂光
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