An ergodic algorithm for power control for CDMA data networks (回路とシステム)
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In this paper, we consider power control for the uplink of a direct-sequence code-division multiple-access data network using a game-theoretic approach. In the uplink, the purpose of power control is for each user to transmit enough power so that it can achieve the required quality of service without causing unnecessary interference to other users in the system. The power-control game is modified as a Nash equilibrium problem in which each user can choose its transmit power in order to maximize its own utility, and a Nash equilibrium is an ideal solution of the power-control game. We present a noncooperative power-control game in which each user can choose the transmit power in a way that each user gets the required signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio level and maximizes its own utility. On linear receivers, we deal with the the matched filter and decorrelator receivers. Next we present a new ergodic algorithm for the proposed power-control game because the existing iterative algorithms can not be applied effectively to the proposed power control. We also present convergence analysis for the proposed algorithm. In addition, applying the proposed algorithm to the proposed power control for large systems, we compare the performance for the matched filter and decorrelator receivers, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio levels and so on.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2008-02-29
飯塚 秀明
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
山田 功
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems (s3-60) Tokyo Institute Of Technology
山田 功
Department Of Communications And Integrated Systems Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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