- 論文の詳細を見る
Taxonomists contribute to science in three ways, viz., recognizing taxa, classifying taxa, and integrating biological knowledge of taxa. Generally, the recognition of taxa is made first at the species level. However, taxonomic study at the species level is often regarded as merely descriptive and is not considered a study utilizing the so-called "hypothesis-testing" process. The latter style of study is considered, and referred to, as "true" science by most biologists. For this reason, biologists working in other disciplines sometimes do not regard taxonomy as a science, and this results in a poor reputation for taxonomy by other biologists. Taxonomy however is a science based on the hypothesis-testing process, in spite of the fact that a large number of pages in taxonomic papers are dedicated to the description of the taxa. If you wonder whether a specimen before you belongs to a described species or not, you might consider a hypothesis that the specimen is an undescribed species. Then, you would start to test this hypothesis using comparative morphology, species distribution data, or any other tools available. You may observe the specimen, describe it morphologically, and compare it with other related species. If decide that it is an undescribed species, you give it a name and finally publish a paper with the description. Now, it is apparent that the hypothesis-testing process is used before the description of the species, and therefore, the taxonomic study at the species level is just as scientific as other disciplines of biology. In one respect however there is a basic difference between the taxonomic study at the species level and biology of other fields. The taxonomists discover species, and then the biologists of other fields do their own research based on the species found by the taxonomists. In this sense, the taxonomy at the species level is fundamental, and the other disciplines of biology are derivative. The derivative studies could not be conducted if there were no outcomes from the fundamental biology, whereas the fundamental studies are possible without the derivative studies.
- 日本動物分類学会の論文
- 2004-08-20
- 生物を分類するとはどういうことか(分類をみつめなおす)
- 2. 平成11年度第8次豊潮丸調査航海における等脚目ミズムシ類の報告(日本動物分類学会第36回大会講演抄録)
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- 古生物の科学第 3 巻, 古生物の生活史, 池谷仙之・棚部一成編, 朝倉書店, 2001, 278pp., 13, 000円
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- 18. 日本およびニュージーランド産種に基づくEurystomellidae科のrevision(日本動物分類学会第38会大会講演抄録)
- 4. 岩手県大槌湾から採れた間隙生紐虫について(日本動物分類学会第34回大会)
- 19. 日本で初めて採集された間隙生ヒモムシOtotyphlonemertes属(単針類)について(日本動物分類学会第33回大会)
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- 16. 北海道産ナミハグモ属未記載種の形態について(日本動物分類学会第38会大会講演抄録)
- 12. コケムシ類の微小規模の多様性(日本動物分類学会第36回大会講演抄録)
- 10. ロンドン自然史博物館所蔵標本にもとづく仮面型卵室をもつウスコケムシMicroporellaの分類(日本動物分類学会第32回大会)
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- 6. 日本沿岸海域に生息するサシバゴカイ科多毛類Paranaitis属について(日本動物分類学会第34回大会)
- 分類学とは何か
- 16. 国内から初めて見つかったPhyllodoce longipes(多毛綱・サシバゴカイ科)とそれに非常に近縁と思われる未記載種1種について(日本動物分類学会第33回大会)
- 日本動物学会第67回大会における日本動物分類学会シンポジウムの報告
- 9. DODERLEINの採集した相模湾産苔虫類標本の調査(動物分類学会第30回大会記事)
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- 幼生とその変態および群体発生に着目したコブコケムシ属(Celleporina)の系統分類
- 8. 二分岐出芽に規則性はあるか? : ヒラハコケムシの場合(動物分類学会第29回大会記事)
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- 11. 日本における系統分類学の現状と将来(動物分類学会第27回大会記事)
- 2. ホニアラ産苔虫類について(動物分類学会第25回大会記事)
- 群体成長を考慮した Microporella echinata Androsova の再記載
- 北海道新記録の2種の唇口苔虫類
- むし学, 青木淳一(著), 東海大学出版会, 2011年9月20日刊行, xxiv+210pp., ISBN978-4-486-01916-9, 2800円(税込)
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