正常児と精薄児の伸縮ひずみ語音の聴取明瞭度 : 周波数伸縮と時間伸縮
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The auditory intelligibility of the distorted monosyllables and words were studied in normal children and mentally retarded. Four conditions of the distortion were expansion (×1.5,×2 and×3) and compression (×0.7,×0.5 and×0.25) of frequency components and time ones, respectively. The normal subjects were 160 children aged 4 to 11 years to have 10 subjects in each age-sex, half boys and half girls, and 10 young adults. The mentally retarded subjects were 97 children aged 6 to 17 years. Their mental age ranged from 3 to 12 years and their IQs were from 31 to 77. The results were as follows: 1) Frequency-expanded and-compressed materials In general, the greater the rate of expansion and compression, the poorer the intelligibility became in both normal children and the mentally retarded. When the age advanced the intelligibility improved up to a certain limit in normal children. Especially, it was found the significant difference in the intelligibility scores between 9 and 10 years old. As for the mentally retarded, the curve of the intelligibility scores became similar to the normal children, when the mental age increased. 2) Time-expanded and -compressed materials The intelligibility of all three time-compressed materials were almost eqpual in the normal children and the mentally retarded, compared in the light of mental ages. However, when the rate of the time-expansion became longer, the intelligibility scores improved gradually in the mentally retarded more than the normal children. At the present test, there were no sign ificant differences in intelligibility scores between boys and girls in both normal children and the mentally retarded.
- 日本特殊教育学会の論文
- 1974-06-01
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