22 新規スフィンゴミエリナーゼ基質類縁体阻害剤の開発と合成(口頭発表の部)
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Sphingolipids have been known as lipid second messengers in mammalian cells and cell membranes, and a great deal of attention has been devoted to the studies of the biological process regulated by sphingolipids. Now, it has been well accepted that the sphingolipids play key roles in the cellular signal transmission pathway. Sphingomyelin, which is one of the key sphingolipids, is a ubiquitous constituent in animal tissue and has been known to occur in virtually every cell and in cell membranes. Ceramide and phosphoryl choline, which are the primary catabolites of sphingomyelin, are generated through the action of sphingomyelinase; ceramide is believed to display key roles as a signal transduction factor in cell differentiation and in programmed cell death (apoptosis) derivation (Figure 1). Although the significance of the sphingomyelin pathway, which is initiated by hydrolysis of sphingomyelin by SMase, has been well recognized, none of the tertiary-dimensional structures of these important enzymes have been determined and their hydrolytic mechanism has not been well-defined. It is, therefore, a very attractive challenge to reveal the catalytic mechanism of action of this important enzyme. Strong and selective sphingomyelinase inhibitors would contribute to a better understanding both of the roles of these enzymes and of ceramide in signal transduction. In order to elucidate the detailed catalytic mechanism of SMase, the development of the methods for supplying the sphingomyelin analogues, which competitively act at the catalytic site and strongly inhibit the hydrolytic ability of the enzyme, have strongly been desired. We then designed the substrate analogues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as inhibitor candidates on the basis of our previous results obtained on sphingomyelin analogues. In theses analogues, one of the oxygen atoms of the phosphoester, at which sphingomyelin is hydrolyzed by the enzyme, is replaced by either methylene, ethylene, difluoromethylene, nitrogen, or sulfur group, and the relative configuration of the asymmetric centers is (D)-erythro (3S, 4R) form (Figure 2). We will describe in detail the highly efficient stereocontrolled syntheses of the short chain substrate analogues 1, 2, 4, and 6 and their inhibitory activities toward B. cereus SMase.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2002-09-01
勝村 成雄
箱木 敏和
岩間 聖司
門田 佳子
泰地 美沙子
勝村 成雄
勝村 成雄
岩間 聖司
- 17 ワンポット不斉アザ電子環状反応の開発と立体化学を制御したピペリジンアルカロイド合成への展開(口頭発表の部)
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- 30 マノアライドによるホスホリパーゼA_2不活性化機構の解明にむけて(ポスター発表の部)
- 34 ワンポットアザ電子環状反応を利用した新規合成法の開発と天然物合成への展開(口頭発表の部)
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- 22 新規スフィンゴミエリナーゼ基質類縁体阻害剤の開発と合成(口頭発表の部)
- 海洋光合成を担うカロテノイド, ペリジニンの超効率的エネルギー伝達機構解明に向けた有機合成からのアプローチ
- 20 統一的合成法によるスフィンゴ脂質挙動解明に効果的なツール分子の開発(口頭発表の部)
- 酵素阻害機構に学ぶ速やかな6π-アザ電子環状反応とその展開
- 23 6π-アザ電子環状反応における著しい活性化の実現を基盤とする新規ピリジン合成法の開発とレチナール異常代謝産物の合成(口頭発表の部)
- アルデヒドテルペノイドによるホスホリパーゼA_2不活性化機構
- 新規セラミドキナーゼ阻害剤によるマスト細胞脱顆粒の抑制
- 77(P02) アレンカロテノイド・アレン部の新奇合成法の開発 : ねじれた1,3-ジエンの特異な反応性の究明とその天然物合成への応用(ポスター発表の部)
- 36 多官能性カロテノイド・ペリジニンの立体化学を制御した全合成(口頭発表の部)
- 海洋性カロテノイドの効率的なエネルギー伝達のしくみを分子レベルで解き明かす
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- スフィンゴリン脂質およびその類縁体の化学合成 (マイクロドメイン形成と細胞のシグナリング--スフィンゴ脂質の新しい生物機能) -- (第5部 スフィンゴ脂質プローブの開発と応用)
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- 21pPSA-55 海洋カロテノイドにおける分子内電荷移動の共役鎖長依存性(21pPSA 領域5ポスターセッション,領域5(光物性))
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- 17 海洋光合成を担うカロテノイド、ペリジニンの超エネルギー伝達効率解明に向けた有機合成からのアプローチ(口頭発表の部)
- 37 アルカロイド合成戦略としてのワンポット不斉6π-アザ電子環状反応 : (-)-Hippodamine,(-)-Guettardineの全合成(口頭発表の部)