水素の高度利用を核としたエネルギーシステムの将来展望(FM-1 基調講演)
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Due to the present social limitations such as global environmental issues and depletion of fossil fuel resources, a hydrogen energy-oriented society should be realized around 2030-2050 by introducing a large amount of renewable energies. To achieve this, however, a realistic intermediate scenario is needed which is practical and socially acceptable. For this purpose, in this paper, a new system integration for CO_2-free fossil fuel utilization combined with hydrogen energy system and CO_2 sequestration is proposed and discussed based on the present status and future prospect of various related technologies including fossil fuel combustion/gasification with CO_2 recovery and hydrogen energy systems. This paper includes;1. Overview of global environmental problems and measures. 2. Significant meaning of introducing hydrogen energy and related national projects. 3. A realistic intermediate scenario of soft-landing toward hydrogen energy community by a system integration of fossil fuel, hydrogen energy and CO2 sequestration. 4. Present status and future prospect of various technologies of hydrogen production and utilization, including fuel cells and steam reforming of fossil fuels. 5. Realizing sustainable society based on highly sophisticated hydrogen energy systems.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-03-17
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