543 風車ブレードの振動解析 : 剛性1枚翼単体モデルを用いた理論解析と実験
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Recently, the use of the wind turbine generator has rapidly spread as the one of the clean energy sources. Its size is becoming larger, and simultaneously, the maintenance of the turbine generator becomes more difficult. However, the conventional reserches aimed at the fluid engineering in order to gain higher efficiency, and only few investigation have been reported in the area of the vibration analysis and its suppression. The wind turbine is a special type of rotating machinery, and it requires the original point of view in the dynamical analysis. It has a long heavy blade which rotates in the vertical plane under the action of the gravitational force. The wind power acting on the turbine blade changes periodically because, for example, the wind power increase as the function of the height. This paper investigates the fundamental vibration characteristic of the wind turbine blade by using rigid blade model. The interaction effect of gravitational force and wind force on the vibration of the turbine blade is clarified. The super-harmonic resonances occur due to the effect of parametric excitation effect which is caused by gravitational force. Also, the occurrences of the unstable vibration ranges are indicated.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-09-25
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