伊予の縞織物について(第2報) : 江戸時代における庶民と武士の衣服文様比較
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Uraya Kanyu was a samurai belong to the Matsuyama clan in approximately the same years when the Asia Family's Shima-cho and Tamai Family's one were compiled.He transcribed Jyouhuku Binran (The Clothes Manual) written about the samurai's formal dress and so on in Edo.In this paper,the patterns of Kamishimo (a ceremonial dress worn by the samurai) in Jyouhuku Binran and the Shima-cho are compared.In the Matsuyama clan,the poor crop lasted for many years (the years of the Bunka,Bunsei and Tenpou) and the samurai including the seigneur wore the clothing of the cotton fabrics as the same of the commoner.From the considerations of the economic condictions of the Matsuyama clan in those days and the patterns of the Shima-cho,it is thought that the commoner were richer than the samurai in the clothing life.Note : Jyouhuku Binran was published in Bunka-3 (1806).
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