マウスにおける臭化メチル曝露の実験的研究 : 急性毒性とグルタチオンの解毒効果
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The objectives of this study were to determine the LC_<50> of methyl bromide (MeBr) and the dose-response curve and to study the detoxication effect of reduced glutathione (GSH) on MeBr poisoning in mice. 1) The LC_<50> of 4-h exposure to MeBr was 405ppm in male mice with 95% confidence limits of 386-425ppm. 2) The mortality rates of mice exposed to 500ppm MeBr for 105, 120, 130, 140, 150 and 180min were 0, 0, 10.7, 15.0, 85.0 and 90.0%, respectively. 3) In contrast, the mortality rate of mice pretreated with GSH (i.p 500mg/kg; GSH-group) was only 5.3% after exposure to 500ppm MeBr for 150min. 4) Metabolic substances (Br^-, GSH, formaldehyde, formic acid and β-glucuronidase) were analyzed after exposure to 500ppm MeBr and compared with the GSH-group and the distilled water treated group (DW-group). Except for GSH, concentrations of all other substances were significantly lower in the GSH-group than in the DW-group. Erythrocyte osmotic fragility test showed a significant increase in fragility in the DW-group. These results suggested that the onset of symptoms or death due to MeBr poisoning suddenly occurs at some point of concentration and time exposure. It was also shown that pretreatment with GSH effectively reduced mortality due to MeBr exposure.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1991-01-20
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