鉄道車両の内装透過音制御システムの開発 : 第1報,モジュール型騒音制御システムによる平板透過音制御法の研究(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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In considering the application of an active noise control system to interior noise reduction of railway vehicles, the control system must respond to changes in the vibration characteristics of the interior panels during train running. We propose a new module-type noise control system, in which small noise control devices are arranged on a plane, to act against the noise transmitted through the interior panel that becomes dominant in tunnels. This noise control system controls the noise incidence to the interior panel, therefore, it is unnecessary to identify the vibration characteristics of the interior panel or noise transmitted through it, and a certain level of noise reduction is ensured irrespective of the change of vibration characteristics of the interior panel during train running. As fundamental work, we carried out a study on the application to the noise transmitted through a flat plate equivalent to an interior panel. This paper first presents an outline of the noise control system and modeling. Furthermore, the overall behavior of the system is examined by numerical analysis, and finally experimental results of the control effect are shown.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-03-25
田中 信雄
田川 直人
田中 信雄
山本 克也
田中 信雄
山本 克也
田中 信雄
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