- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to measure the resting energy expenditure (REE) ofwheelchair athletes and grasp their nutrient intake for the promotion of their health.Seventeen male wheelchair athletes, aged 24-63 years, participated in this research assubjects. The surveys of physical status and food intake frequency by their self-report wereconducted. The measurement of % body fat, mid-arm circumference, and REE was alsotaken. Their BMI and % body fat were almost in the appropriate range, and their mid-armcircumference was bigger than that of Japanese anthropometric reference data. The meanREE was 1,921±438 kcal/day about the subjects aged < 31 yaers (n=6), 1,619±228 kcal/day aged 41-50 years (n=3), 1,699±307 kcal/day aged 51-60 years (n=6), and 1,142 kcal/day aged 61 years (n=2), respectively. The REE and REE/Body weight (BW) weresimilar to each of those about ordinary persons. A positive correlation was observed betweenREE and height as well as BW. The energy and nutrient intakes were rather low,corresponding to each of those at physical activity level I (low) of healthy persons.Considering their appropriate body composition, however, the subjects were not judged in asort of light malnutrition, and their energy intake was considered to meet their requirement.There results suggested that individual nutritional guidance by a well-coordinated system,depending upon the degree of disability, energy expenditure and food intake, is necessary inorder to improve the competence for running and the QOL of wheelchair athletes.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2007-12-15
吉田 繁子
元永 恵子
吉田 繁子
元永 恵子
吉田 繁子
安井 秀作
- 284. 若年成人の食事と生活行動からみた精神的健康度(栄養・消化,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
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- 高齢者を対象とした食事調査におけるポーションサイズの決定
- 197.車いすスポーツ選手の栄養学的特徴 : ロードレースとバスケットボールの比較(代謝,一般口演,第60回 日本体力医学会大会)
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