臨床心理を学ぶ大学院生の乳児保育体験 : 体験レポートにみる大学院生への効果
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Graduate students, learning clinical psychology, experienced with nursing of infants for 3days. After the 3-day experience, a questionnaire was filled in and a report on the experience was made by each student. The responses to the questionnaire and the reports submitted were analyzed to evaluate the effects of infant nursing experience on these students. In response to the question about the usefulness of this kind of experience on future psychological career, contained in the 7-item questionnaire, all students answered that the experience would be useful in deepening their insight into support to child care and basic aspects of psychotherapy. When the students' reports were analyzed by the KJ method, 8upper categories and 21lower categories were extracted. The most frequent upper category was "emotional experience." In this respect, the students most frequently referred to "crying" by infants. The most frequent lower category pertained to "kindergarten workers." In analysis of individual reports, the statements by 4students suggested that these students exercised their sensitivity and imaginary power, which are fundamental means for psychotherapy. Two students made statements suggesting emotional rhythms. The results from this study suggest that important viewpoints for guiding students after this kind of nursing experience are those related to infant cry, sensitivity, imaginary power, emotional rhythms, and so on.
- 臨床心理を学ぶ大学院生の乳児保育体験 : 体験レポートにみる大学院生への効果
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