- 論文の詳細を見る
Scaling was employed as a means of assessing personal relationships of parents during interviews for mental consultation provided in public health checkups for infants and children in 3 local communities. Considering factors related to parents' anxiety about child care and to abuse of children, parents were asked to rate the five items related to their personal relationships, i.e. relationship to children, the partner, their mother, their father and to neighbors, on a 11-point scale from 0 to 10. We analyzed the roles and usefulness expected of this scaling method. Scaling appeared to be useful in 33 cases (66%). This method seemed to be useful in the following respects: (1) the unexpected experience with scaling makes it easier for the parents to speak frankly during the interview; (2) essential points of the interview are highlighted by the scaling; and (3) scaling helps the parents complement and confirm their way of child care; (4) the tendency for low scores with this scaling method can be used as a good indicator of the parents' condition; and (5) scaling makes it easier for the interviewer to begin talks on how the parents can improve their personal relationships. An open question identified during this study is how to place questions in a more effective way to the parents after scaling.
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