- 論文の詳細を見る
The energy technology strategy for stable supply and clean use of fossil fuel was discussed and formulated by the committee being comprised of specialists in the field of fossil fuel, organized by The Institute of Applied Energy consigned by Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in 2006. First, the important potential technologies were listed and discussed by the three task force teams ; for coal development and utilization technologies, for oil and natural gas development technologies, and for oil utilization technologies. The road map for each technology towards 2030 was developed to show development stages with element technologies and related technologies and timing of commercialization. Scenarios to introduce them were shown with requested policies and purposes of the technologies, considering international and domestic social environments and technology trends towards 2030. It is expected that the above technology map consisting of the technology lists, the technology road maps, and the scenarios may be widely utilized to develop the future energy technologies by many persons as well as researchers and engineers.
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