- 論文の詳細を見る
A radar simulator is newly designed and implemented. This simulator generates target up to eight ships automatically which move probabilistically under computer control. The simulator deals with two models of target ships' movements. One is to simulate ships passing through a narrow channel. Another is to simulate the situation such that an own ship encounters with target ships at all times, which purpose is a training of a collision avoidance maneuvering by use of a radar display. Target ships may change their courses in this model. The situations are effectively produced by some specified probabilistic variables. Hence, the training is not restricted by time and the management of the degree of maneuvering difficulty is relatively easy. In addition, the simulator has a facility saving data of situation in an external storage for the following estimation and analysis of the maneuvering.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1981-09-15
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