- 論文の詳細を見る
Training ship FUKAE-MARU 360 GT equipped on board a ship a maneuverability transducer, which is a device changing her own maneuverability to other ship's one apparently. In order to change her own maneuverability of yaw (ahead) motions, a mini-computer is linked between the steering wheel (CPP control lever) and the steering gear (CPP driver). The computer controles rudder angle (CPP blades angle) to realize an optional maneuvering motion characterized by a different maneuverability from the original one. Accordingly a ship operator on board is possessed with the illusion that he handles another ship. As the transducer on board is able to immitate other ship's maneuvering motions, the training ship may be called a onboard ship handling simulator. The mock ship ranges from the original training ship to any large ship; using Nomoto's steering quality indices K-T, turning ability index K is 0.05∼0.2 (1/sec) and course stability index T is 10∼150 (sec), where the original indices of the training ship are K≒0.2 (1/sec) and T≒13 (sec) at ship speed 10 knots. This device must be useful for 1) ship handling training for students 2) studies of man-machine system on ship handling 3) studies of correlation in man-machine system between full-scale ship and ship handling simulator
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1978-09-30
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