Possible Phonon Density of States of High-Temperature Phase Structure of the Negative Thermal Expansion Compound ZrW_2O_8(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
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To study the phonon properties of β-ZrW_2O_8 showing the negative thermal expansion (NTE), the heat capacities of Zr_<1-x>M_xW_2O_<8-y> (M = Sc, Lu; x = 0.02, 0.04) at low temperatures were measured and analyzed. The analysis presents the effective phonon density of states (DOS) of β-ZrW_2O_8, showing a rounded form around 5meV. The rounded phonon DOS of β-ZrW_2O_8 is in marked contrast to that of the low-temperature phase of ZrW_2O_8, and their distinction is consistent with the difference in NTE nature between two structures.
- 2007-12-15
SAITO Kazuya
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Saito Kazuya
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Yamamura Yasuhisa
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Saito Kazuya
Department Of Aeronautics And Astronautics Graduate School Kyoto University
Yamamura Yasuhisa
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba
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