- 論文の詳細を見る
The annual maxima of 10-minute mean wind speed (AMW) and peak gust speed (APG) at the 150 weather stations of the Japan Meteorological Agency have been investigated for the meteorological disturbances to cause them during 40 years from 1966 to 2005. In a result, in the southwestern part of the Japanese Islands, ranging from the Nansei Islands to the Kinki district, the occurrence probabilities of both AMW and APG caused by typhoons exceeded 50% except for the Japan Sea coastal area and the inland area. Especially, in the region of the Nansei Islands and the south coastal area of the Kyushu district, they exceeded 80%. On the other hand, in the northeastern part of the Japanese Islands, ranging from the Chubu district to Hokkaido, they were under 50%. This result is useful in selection of the meteorological disturbances to be weighted on in a locally devised design for high wind disaster reduction. The occurrence probabilities of AMW and APG caused by typhoons increased every decade, and in the last decade, 1996-2005, about halves of AMW and APG occurred at attacking of typhoons. In the monthly occurrence frequencies of AMW and APG, the two distinct peaks appear. One is from August to September when most of them were caused by typhoons, and the other is from February to April when they were caused by other meteorological disturbances. In wind direction of AMW, two peaks of SSE and W are distinct, but in that of APG, only one peak of W appears. In the last decade, the ratio of the stations exceeding 20ms^<-1> in AMW increased to 24%, and that of APG exceeding 35ms^<-1> attained to 31%.The results obtained in this research are expected to be applicable in some programs according to local properties for reduction of high wind disaster.
- 日本自然災害学会の論文
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