Optimization of (Al, Ti) N Thin Film Formation Process by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
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Ternary (Al, Ti) N film was produced by using the ion beam assisted deposition method (IBAD). The ternary (Al, Ti) N film gives a significant improvement in wear-resistance and corrosion protection compared with conventional binary nitrides and the mechanical properties depend on the composition. In the present study, the formation process was optimized by proposing an objective function, designed to evaluate the mechanical properties when searching for the optimal process conditions for a film which has higher hardness and finer surface roughness as possible. The atom arrival ratio R_1=Ti/(Ti+Al) and the ion-atom arrival ratio R_2=(Ti+Al)/N were adopted as the controlling process factors. R_1 and R_2 were changed in the range of 0〜1.0 and 0.5〜1.5, respectively, keeping the ion current density (0.10mA/mm^2) and the ion energy (2.0keV) constant. Two steps of the global searching and the local searching were adopted for the experimental optimization. The local domain for a good process was obtained by the global searching, which was around R_1=0.2 and R_2=1.0. The optimal process condition, which was finally found at the point of [R_1, R_2]=[0.25, 1.0] by the steepest descent method, It was found that the ternary film (Al, Ti) N around the optimal process condition shows a fine structure of two phase coexistence (AlN+TiN), the average composition of which was expressed by (Al_<1_X>Ti_x)N_<1.25'> where x*0.23, i.e., this represents a non-stoichiometric composition.
- 大阪大学の論文
INOUE Katsunori
Osaka University
Osaka University
Li Shuguang
Osaka University:(present Office)capital Aerospace Machinery Corporation
IMAKITA Tomoyuki
Kinki University
Kinki University
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