GMA Welding of 9%Ni-Steel with Similarly Composed Nickel Alloy Wire in Helium Shielding
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The development of welding method of 9%Ni-Steel GMA welding (DCRP) with similarly composed nickel alloy wire through the study on the instability of welding arc based on the aspects of arc roots is described. Under the conditon of open arc in inert atmosphere, cathode spots move erratically and irregularly on the plate surface in front of weld pool, and it results in unstable welding arc. The addition of oxygen to argon shielding gas causes the concentration of arc roots in the narrow region right under the arc column, and the increase in melting efficiency of base metal and in oxygen content in the weld metal. On the otherhand, under the condition of burried arc with constant voltage power supply, the arc roots are confined in the well in the weld pool. With helium shielding fairly good weld metal and bead configuration are obtained. Very small blow holes apt to appear at the root of fuzed zone, but they are effectively decreased by applying the fast transverse weaving of welding arc.
- 大阪大学の論文
Osaka University
MATSUDA Fukuhisa
Osaka University
Ushio Masao
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Tsuchiura works of Hitachi, Ltd.
ARAYA Takeshi
MERL, Hitachi Ltd.
MERL, Hitachi Ltd.
Matsuda Fukuhisa
Osaka Univ.
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