- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study tried to develop new criteria for self-evaluation to be used at the comprehensive facilities of child care and preschool education. The criteria were formulated by modifying the existing criteria that were originally developed for the third party evaluation of child care center and the self-evaluation of kindergarten. To develop the criteria, we conducted a questionnaire survey for all facilities participating in the national program for the comprehensive facilities, a visiting survey for 5 facilities among them, and an interview survey with experts in child education and child welfare. These surveys revealed some factors affecting the quality of child care in the comprehensive facilities. In this paper, we suggested that the evaluation of the quality of the child care in the comprehensive facilities should be based on the appropriate self-evaluation in which the uniqueness and integrity of comprehensive facilities are focused on and the future direction of care and education for preschool children in Japan is taken into account.
- 目白大学の論文
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