- 論文の詳細を見る
The present research was performed to investigate histopathological findings of experimental toxoplasmosis of mice. Thirty ICR-JCL stock female mice 57±1 days old weighing 23 to 24g were used. Mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10^2 parasites of the RH strain obtained from the peritoneal fluid of 5-day infected mice. The organisms were suspended in saline solution and adjusted to contain approximately 10^2 organisms in 1.0ml of the suspension. Two or three infected mice were sacrificed every day from 1 to 7 days after inoculation by bleeding. Soon after autopsy, various organs from these mice were fixed in 10% formalin solution and enbedded in paraffin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The results obtained are summarized as follows : All the mice died the 8th day after inoculation. On the 8th day results were obtained from 3 mice which were found dead on that day. On the 1st to 3rd days, cellular accumulations mainly consisting of histiocytic cells, were recognized in the peritoneum and the capsules of the organs in the peritoneal cavity. These cell-accu-mulations increased gradually in number. Organisms began to be detected from these lesions on the 4th day. Some cells were found destroyed in the cellular accumulations after 5 days. On the 4th day focal necrobiosis and activation of reticuloendothelial cells began to be seen in the liver. In the pancreas cellular infiltration and necrobiotic lesions were also recognized in the interstitium. Organisms began to appear in these organs in the peritoneal cavity on the 5th day. On the 6th to 8th days, in the peritoneum and the organs in peritoneal cavity, organisms increased remarkably in number and necrotic changes gradually progressed. In addition organisms also appeared in the kidney, heart, lung, thymus, submaxillary lymph node and brain. Therefore, the multiplication of Toxoplasma gondii seemed to take place mainly in the peritoneum on the 1st to 3rd days, mainly in the peritoneum and the organs in the peritoneal cavity on the 4th and 5th days and in various other organs throughout the body from the 6th to 8th days. Tte characteristic changes in toxoplasmosis of mice were mainly represented by necrotic changes and activation of the reticuloendothelial system. In the thymus pathological involution was recognized from the 6th to 8th days.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1974-12-25
- 畜牛における全身性類澱粉症について
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- トキソプラズマRH株腹腔内接種マウスの病理組織像
- 140 畜牛における単球白血病の1例 (病理学分科会)(第69回日本獣医学会)