キリスト教の霊性(その1) : 基礎的考察
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The origin of the word, 'the spirituality' can already be found in the New Testament. For example, St. Paul uses such a phrase as 'the spiritual' (1 Cor. 2 : 13, 15). The word, 'spiritual' is πνευματικσs in Greek, which derives from πνευμα (spirit). The word πνευμα means divine spirit which is divine breath and the origin of all creatures. 'Spiritualitas' in Latin that means the spirituality appeared in the 5 century, and was often used in three meanings from the 12 century, namely in the religious meaning, in the philosophical meaning and in the ethical meaning. The first meaning which is the most important in my study is concerned with a human high function that consists of a personal relationship with God. Alister E. McGrath, a British theologian thinks of basic conceptions of the spirituality. The following are his propositions. (1) To know not only about God but also to know God himself (2) To experience God enough (3) The transformation of the existence that rests on Christian faith (4) To achieve Christian genuineness on the life and thought According to Gerard W. Hughes, a Jesuit, the Christian spirituality is a way how to know and heal an inner life (psyche), and reconcile the various powers. A religion must have a work which helps us to find our inner lives and teach how to be concerned with them.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2006-12-20
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