ツァラトゥストラの教説(その1) : 自我の超克
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Zarathustra is the name of the hero in 'Zarathustra', one of Nietzsche's masterpieces. This is the German name of Zoroaster who was the patriarch of Zoroastrianism, which is one of the oldest present religions in the world. According to Nietzsche, historical Zoroaster is a model person in that he sincerely pursued morality. Moral sincerity is Nietzsche's very important motif and it becomes a theme in 'Zarathustra'. Nietzsche criticized Christianity severely because its morality appears not to come true forever to him. There is a sentence of the prologue in 'Zarathustra', "Thus began Zarathustra's fall." His fall means the negation of his own ego. The overcoming of the ego is the negation of the ego. Zarathustra falls into a state of an ordinary man to teach people the overcoming of the ego. It is impossible for ordinary people to negate their egoes and live in Dionysos' world. For this world is truth and full of the pains and the darkness. Therefore Zarathustra creates a tragedy, a middle world which is a fusion of Dionysos' world and Apollo's world. Zarathustra's fall is the beginning of the tragedy, a middle world. Zarathustra teaches us "three transformations". According to the teachings, human spirit becomes a camel, the camel becomes a lion and the lion becomes a child. The spirit of a child is the end in the overcoming of the ego.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2005-07-15
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