ヨーロッパのニヒリズム : ニーチェの世界観
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Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), a German philosopher designates European Nihilism (der europaische Nihilismus) which is a radical character in the western occurrence, a spiritual movement in the long-range western history, according to Heideggerian interpretation. Nietzsche thinks that Christianity is the origin of European Nihilism and it created European moral values. The Christian morality was the highest value to the European traditional culture. However according to Nietzsche's view, the aim of the Christian morality, namely kingdom of God is not yet achieved and the European morality is never improved. Accordingly there appeared atheism that denies God's existence. Nietzsche talks of 'God's death' in "The Joyful Knowledge (Die frohliche Wissenschaft)", the number 125. Nietzsche denied the Christian God and developed Perspectivism, named the eternal recurrence to endure European Nihilism. He tried to conquer himself and experience the eternal joy which was the affirmation of his life. Moreover he created a new god, named the superman (Ubermensch) which is the subject of the conquest of the self, and proclaimed 'the God's death' to revive truly human beings. However we must notice that Nietzsche's thought of the superman has its source in Christian God-man thought.
- 2004-12-20
- ヨーロッパのニヒリズム : ニーチェの世界観
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