ハイデッガーによる存在の思索(その2) : 現存在と時間性
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Heideggerian thought of being begins with an existence (Existenz), his or her own being. Every human being (Dasein) has his or her own being. We understand our selves from our own possibilities to the future and therefore existence means a human being's possibility. By the way as our possibilities are limited by the fact of the death and the death is the end of the life, Heidegger defines a human being as <a being to the death> (Sein zum Tode). Heidegger does not think of any afterlife, for example the immortality of the soul as Plato's philosophy or the resurrection as Christianity. And so according to Heidegger, the death means the field of nothing (Nichts) and we are always threatened by nothing. It is not until the awareness of nothing that we can find our own selves. And we cannot help thinking of the new conception of the time to explicate the ontological structure of the existence. So Heidegger indicates a quite unique conception of the time and according to my view, his conception of the time is influenced by Christian eschatology, especially Paul's eschatology. I think that Heideggerian thought of being rests on Christian thought on the very deep ground.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2003-12-20
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