ツァラトゥストラの教説(その2) : 神の死
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Nietzsche declared the death of the Christian God through Zarathustra's mouth and tried to live sincerely based on this declaration. But his sincerity means the Christian one after all, and his philosophy is constructed inside the Christian circle on the meaning. Zarathustra's teachings are counterparts of the Christian thought and the former cannot become without the existence of the latter. Zarathustra is aware how terrible and dark the world of nihilism founded on the death of the God is. He teaches how we should live out through the darkness. According to him we must create the tragic world like the ancient Greeks and play the heroes (heroines) in order to live out through the darkness. This world is the middle world in which Dionysos' principle and Apollo's principle are fused each other. Moreover Zarathustra brings out the thought of the eternal recurrence. We must repeat the life and the death and overcome gradually our present egos in the movement of the eternal recurrence. But I think that such an overcoming the ego is impossible with the human capacity and we need a transcendent savior as Christ in order to overcome our egos.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2005-12-20
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