女木島における局地的強風「オトシ」について : 現地観測(その2)
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When the winter monsoon occurs and the westerly wind blows over the Seto Inland Sea district, a strong wind occurs not at the expected windward (west) side of the island of Megijima but at the leeward (east) side. The strong wind lashing the east side is known locally as the 'Otoshi' The 'Otoshi' has been investigated by site observations. The 'Otoshi' is a very strong and gusty southerly wind containing a spray of seawater. The airflow hitting the southwestern end of the island is forced to change its direction and moves along the island toward the northeast. The airflow is strengthened by some topographic effects of the island body and lashes against the coast at Higashiura, and is known as the 'Otoshi' Additional observations of the 'Otoshi' have been made during the winter of 2004 to 2005. When the prevailing westerly wind blows, mean wind speed at Higashiura is almost equal to that at the hilltop near the central part of Megijima. Moving observations of wind along the east coast have shown that the wind speed gradually increases and reaches a maximum at Higashiura.
- 香川大学の論文
- 2006-09-30
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