家庭内の暴力における双方向性についての実証的研究 : 女性における加害暴力の構造
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In the public mind it is husbands who use violence in the home, but in reality both husbands and wives use violence. In this study we attempt to identify the structure of domestic violence by analyzing data on family violence obtained in Miyazaki prefecture in 2003. We found that wives attacked by their husbands tend to attack someone else in their families. These women not only use violence toward their husbands but also use violence toward their children and elder family members (the less powerful members of the family). This finding indicates the need for a family support system which can protect the weaker family members in homes which have violence, and for intervention to reduce the stress that underlies the family violence.
- 九州保健福祉大学の論文
- 2007-03-25
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