官営八幡製鐵所の創設期における鉄骨構造建築の導入 : 日本における鉄骨構造建築の導入と発展過程に関する研究 その1
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The first building of the Japanese government-controlled Yawata Iron Works, which was first operated in the 34th year of Meiji (1901), was our country's first full-scale steel framed building. In this paper, the organization of institutional construction at the time the government controlled Yawata Iron Works stated operation in the 34th year of Meiji (1901) is made clear. Out of a group of factory buildings constructed at the time of establishment of Yawata Iron Works, I take up the issue of the only Ogura repair factory still existing in its complete form today, completed in the 33rd year of Meiji (1900). I also clarify the relations between a Japanese and a German on the design by that German and environment in which construction took place in those days. Furthermore, I also detail the construction process of factory ever after the 33rd year of Meiji (1900).
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2007-08-30
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