額縁に守られて : イタリア・ノヴェッラにおける***スの開花
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Chapter I To supplement my opinions on the function of the cornice of the Decameron, especially on the effects of 'dependence on others' mouth', I will use the frequency of sexual relations in the total work (the percentage of novellas or chapters related to the sexual relations in the total novellas or chapters)and the frequency of important participation (the percentage of novellas and chapters in which sexual relations play a major part). Chapter II By calculating the frequency (percentages) of sexual relations on the principal works of prose before the Decameron, we get the following figures. Ur-Novellino 8.24 (7/85)Novellino 15 (15/100) The book of seven sages (Cappelli edition) 46.67 (8/15) The book of seven sages (Latin edition) 62.5 (10/16) Disciplina clericalis (tr. Nishimura) 12.5 (8/64) Disciplina clericalis (tr. Itoh) 19.44 (7/36) Lo specchio di vera penitenza 16.33 (8/49) From these figures, we can confirm the rarity of sexual relations in Ur-Novellino at first, and in other books of nearly the same ages except The book of seven sages, which has its origin in the Orient and which has exceptionally a frame of story to bind the novellas. Chapter III In this chapter, we calculate the frequency of sexual relations in the Decameron accurately. Decameron 37.70 (46/122) To explain the exceptional high frequency in The book of seven sages, and the gap from the impression we receive reading both the editions, we closely examine each novella or chapter, and calculate the frequency of important participation, and we get 30.33 (37/122), as for Decameron. As for Cappelli edition, we get 20 (5/15), which is a rather low figure, but for the Latin edition, we get 31.25 (5/16), which is too high figure for our impression. In the Decameron, the sexual relations are often the main themes of the novellas, and at the same time, the motives of the actions of heroes and heroines, which Boccaccio expressed openly. He not only viewed them positively, but also sometimes attributed supreme values to them (as in the cases of II_10 or III_6). Thus we can conclude that Eros is in bloom in the Decameron. Chapter IV In this chapter, we trace the origin of Eros through the process of making the cornice (frame), following the three trials. Already in the first trial in Filocolo, Boccaccio offered 4 questions related to sexual relations among 13. In the second trial, there was no confession related to sexual relations, but each confession can be related potentially. In the third trial, the potentiality is pursued, but the existence of models of the nymphs and the style of the confession of the ladies inevitably bound to shyness hindered the outcome of the expected density of Eros. But these experiments helped the author to invent a more fit cornice of the work to speak about sexual relations more openly in the Decameron.
- 2007-06-20
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