敗戦の効果 : 世界史の中のモンタペルティ現象
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In the introduction, I point out that the good effects of defeat are too much underestimated. To account for this fault, I extend the concept of the Montaperti Phenomenon (M. P.), and define it as a phenomenon which brings favorable results to the majority of the losers of a war or their adherents. In chapter 1, I treat cases in which the M. P. happened singly, and give as the first example the effects of the defeat of the navy of Wakoku (old Japan) at Baeg-chong-gang in Korea (663). After the defeat, Wakoku construcked a defense system, and prepared for attack by Tang and Silla. Besides, there took place the rebellion of Jinshin, and the new Emperor Temmu reformed the constitution of Wakoku drastically, changing Wakoku into Nippon (new Japan). Thus the defeat in Korea brought good effects to the history of Japan. I also show several other examples of this type of M. P. In chapter 2, I treat cases in which the M. P. happened doubly. First I choose the case of Siena after the defeat at Colle di Val'Elsa. This defeat changed Siena drastically and brought about the Goverment of the Nine, which governed the city very well and developed it into one of the most charming cities in the world. The M. P. in Siena followed that of medieval Firenze, about which I have written several times. In chapter 3, I suggest that when a closed area is conquered by a strong power, if the power chooses a policy of endurance, there occurrs often the M. P. To test this hypothesis, I show the examples of the Edo Bakufu and the Mongol Empire. Thus, I prove the importance of the good effects of defeats, which were sometimes indispensable for the building of civilizations.
- 2010-10-20
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