- 論文の詳細を見る
After his "The Days of the Novels of the Novices", Pietro Fortini wrote anotherwork titled "The Pleasant and Lovely Nights of Novices".Chap. I The last mistress of "The Days" didn't abandon the right of ruling thegroup, and invited other members to her mansion house on the next Sundayevening. On the first night, the mistress Aurelia gave a grand dinner and offereda comedy. Thus began again the party of the former seven members. Butin this work, especially on the initial four nights, novels were told only exceptionally.The main contents of the entertainment of the nights were comedies,songs and luxurious dinners. On the third night, four young gentlemen tookpart in the party, and three of them were accepted as regular members. Themistress of the sixth evening, Fulgida, pronounced the resumption of the partyof novels, and ordered the three new members to preside over the party insteadof her. Under the control of the new members, they began three days ofnovels, but the night party also continued as before. Thus the novels occupyonly 25.60% of this work. The seven comedies occupy 46.04% and the part ofthe framework with many songs occupy 28.36%.Chap. II As in the case of "The Days", all the events of the novels happenedin recent years. But as for the locations of the events, the share of Siena andits neighboring towns decreased from two thirds to one third because Rome,which figured only once in "The Days", figured in 22.58% of this work.Chap. III One of the most important particularities of this work is that noblestake the major part. While commoners take part in 58.06% and priests in35.48%, nobles take part in 80.64%. About half (51.61%) of the charactersare Sienese.Chap. IV In "The Days", almost all novels dealt with sexual or scatologicalsubjects. Also in this work, sexual subjects take the major part (directly in35.48% and indirectly in 29.03%), but one third of the novels deal with subjectswhich are not related to sexual acts.
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