Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, New Combinations
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New combinations for two taxa, Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, are proposed. The lectotypes of both names were chosen. The former taxon was previously recognized as either Arabis kamchatica, Cardaminopsis kamchatica or an infraspecific taxon under Arabis lyrata or Arabidopsis lyrata. The latter was previously recognized as either Arabis kawasakiana, Arabis lyrata subsp. kawasakiana or a synonym of Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. kamchatica. We here report the bivalent nature of meiotic chromosome of A. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana, n=16_<II> and 2n=32. We also provide a molecular evidence of allotetraploidy using a nuclear Chalcone Synthase (CHS) sequence. In conjunction with former chromosomal and morphological studies, we considered that both taxa should be placed under the genus Arabidopsis but distinct from Arabidopsis lyrata. Arabidopsis kamchatica will provide a unique opportunity for the molecular genetic analysis of genome duplication, by utilizing the genetic and genomic information on a model species Arabidopsis thaliana.
- 日本植物分類学会の論文
- 2005-08-20
清水 健太郎
清水 健太郎
清水 健太郎
Kudoh Hiroshi
Department of Internal Medicine Division of Cardio-Vascular Medicine
清水 健太郎
Shimizu Kentaro
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The University Of Toky
Kudoh Hiroshi
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kobe University
Fujii Shinji
Division Of Immunogenetics Department Of Neuroscience And Immunology Kumamoto University Graduate Sc
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Science
Fujii Shinji
Division Of Human Environment University Of Human Environments
Kudoh Hiroshi
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Marhold Karol
Institute Of Botany Slovak Academy Of Sciences
Marhold Karol
Institute Of Botany Slovak Academy Of Science:department Of Botany Charles University
清水 健太郎
Shimizu Kentaro
Department Of Biotechnolgy Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Science The University Of Tokyo
Shimizu Kentaro
Department Of Genetics North Carolina State University:department Of Botany Faculty Of Science Kyoto
Shimizu Kentaro
Dept. Bot. Grad. Sch. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
清水 健太郎
東京女子医科大学大学院 医学研究科 先端生命医科学系専攻
Watanabe Kuniaki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Watanabe Kuniaki
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe-university
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