99mTc-Annexin-V uptake in a rat model of variable ischemic severity and reperfusion time
- 論文の詳細を見る
Background: To determine whether mild to moderate ischemia that is not severe enough to induce myocardial infarction will cause myocardial cell damage or apoptosis, the 99mTc-Annexin-V (Tc-A) uptake was studied in groups of rats with various intervals of coronary occlusion and reperfusion times. Methods and Results: After left coronary artery occlusion for 15 min (n=23), 10 min (n=23), or 5min (n=12), Tc-A (80-150 MBq) was injected at 0.5, 1.5, 6, or 24 h after reperfusion. One hour later, to verify the area at risk, 201Tl (0.74 MBq) was injected just after left coronary artery re-occlusion and the rats were killed 1 min later. Dual tracer autoradiography was performed to assess Tc-A uptake and area at risk. In all 5-min occlusion and reperfusion models, no significant Tc-A uptake was observed in the area at risk. Tc-A uptake ratios in the 15-min and 10-min ischemia models were 4.46±3.16 and 2.02±0.47 (p=0.078) at 0.5 h after reperfusion, 3.49±1.78 and 1.47±0.11 (p<0.05) at 1.5h after reperfusion, 1.60±0.43 and 1.34±0.23 (p=0.24) at 6h after reperfusion, 1.50±0.33 and 1.28±0.33 (p=0.099) at 24 h after reperfusion, respectively. With 15-min ischemia, in 3 of the 5 rats there were a few micro-foci of myocardial cell degeneration and cell infiltration in less than 1% of the ischemic area at 24 h after reperfusion. No significant histological change was observed in rats with 10-min or 5-min ischemia. Conclusion: The data indicate that Tc-A binding depends on the severity of ischemia even without a significant amount of histological change or infarction.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2007-06-20
滝 淳一
中嶋 憲一
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Jpn
中嶋 憲一
中嶋 憲一
中嶋 憲一
TAKI Junichi
Department of Biotracer Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
HIGUCHI Takahiro
Department of Biotracer Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Department of Biotracer Medicine, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Department of Nuclear Medicine,Kanazawa University,School of Medicine.
滝 淳一
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
滝 淳一
金沢大学 大学院医学研究科整形外科
滝 淳一
北海道大学 大学院 医学研究科
Hiramatsu T
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
Nakajima Kenichi
Kanazawa Univ. Hospital Kanazawa Jpn
Matsunari Ichiro
Foundation of Medical Pharmaceutical Research Center
Kawashima Atsuhiro
Molecular and Cellular Pathology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Tait Jonathan
Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington
Matsunari Ichiro
Medical and Pharmacological Research Center Foundation
Vanderheyden Jean-Luc
Division of North American Scientific Inc, Theseus Imaging Corporation
Strauss H.
Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital
Vanderheyden Jean-luc
Division Of North American Scientific Inc Theseus Imaging Corporation
Taki J
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
Taki Junichi
Taki Junichi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University
Muramori Akira
Departments Of Biotracer Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Matsunari I
Foundation Of Medical Pharmaceutical Research Center
Matsunari Ichiro
金沢大学 医学系研究科バイオトレサー診療学
Matsunari Ichiro
The Medical And Pharmacological Research Center
Matsunari Ichiro
Medical And Pharmacological Research Foundation
中嶋 憲一
Muramori Akira
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
Taki Junichi
Kanazawa University Hospital
Taki Junichi
Department Of Biotracer Medicine Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Tait Jonathan
Department Of Laboratory Medicine University Of Washington
Nakajima Kenichi
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Jpn
Nakajima Ken-ichi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
Strauss H.
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Department Of Radiology Memorial Sloan-kettering Hospital
Kawashima Atsuhiro
Molecular And Cellular Pathology Kanazawa University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Taki Junichi
Biotracer Medicine Division Of Cancer Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Universit
Matsunari I
Medical And Pharmacological Research Foundation
滝 淳一
Nakajima Kenichi
Kanazawa University Hospital
Hara Toshihide
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University Hospital
Nakajima Kenichi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine
Taki Junichi
Department Of Nuclear Medicine Kanazawa University School Of Medicine
Nakajima Kenichi
金沢大学附属病院 核医学
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