- 論文の詳細を見る
Two processes intermediating conversation in social interaction of dyadic relationship were examined. In the first process, some antecedent factors such as task situation, interpersonal relationship and personal difference influence on conversation process. In the second process, the conversation influence on some interaction of the dyadic relationship. In our experiment, we set a topic of conversation into a decision making in problem-solving conversation as the task situation. And a degree of intimacy (high or low) as interpersonal factor and combinations of self-monitoring tendency (high-high high-low low-low) as personal factor were manipulated. 112 undergraduates were administrated self-monitoring scale. And 61 dyads were made of them and were measured their degrees of intimacy. After that, they are engaged in conversation about a given topic that is asked to make a decision. And then, they were asked to answer a questionnaire that survey social interaction. The results were as follows; (1) The total numbers of protocols in the conversation were influenced by intimacy. (2) The numbers of protocols which represent the qualitative differences of the conversation were influenced by intimacy and by combinations of self-monitoring tendency. (3) The qualitative differences of the conversation influenced on the cognitions and the evaluations to the conversation process and the partner.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 1988-11-25
- 表情解読プロセスの検討(II) : 心的状態推論における表情の構成要素間の関係性について
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- 社会的相互作用場面における会話の質的分析〔英文〕
- 対人的相互作用に及ぼす会話の媒介的影響
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- 被害性,関与性,原因特定性,対処可能性という視点からの社会的不公正事態の分析 : 社会的公正判断過程に関する研究(3)
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- 社会的公正さの判断基準の分析 : 社会的公正判断過程に関する研究(1)
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- 社会的不公正事態の類型化および社会的不公正事態にともなう感情の分析
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- 対人的相互作用における会話の質的分析 (インタ-パ-ソナル・コミュニケ-ション)
- 所信の形成と変化の機制についての研究-1-認知的矛盾の解決に及ぼす現実性の効果
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