学力格差を縮小する学校 : 「効果のある学校」の経年分析に向けて
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The aim of this paper is to discover a route for the resolution of "differences in scholastic ability," which are a serious problem in Japanese Education, using the idea of "Effective Schools". "Effective Schools" are schools which have relatively small differences in scholastic ability between social groups. This report looks at the continuation of effects of schools, and studies the characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan. In conventional studies on "Effective Schools" in Japan, seven characteristics are clarified: (1) Ordered child groups, (2) Mutual empowerment by students, (3) A school administration that values teamwork, (4) Connections between schools and outside organizations, (5) A positive school culture, (6) A system that encourages learning, and (7) Leadership. These were found in data from a single year, however, and were not based on data collected continuously. Therefore, surveys to date are inadequate. This report demonstrates the existence of "Effective Schools" and analyzes the characteristics of schools in one city in Hyogo Prefecture, based on continuous data. The findings are as follows. To begin with, from an analysis of scholastic ability data, it is clear that the evaluation of "Effective Schools" is considerably affected by grade groups. In previous studies in this area, attention had not been given to the differences between grade groups, and this suggests a danger in relying on data for a single year. In addition, caution must be exercised in basing policymaking on data on scholastic ability performed in a single year. Next, while the results of the surveys varied greatly by grade groups in most schools, there were two schools (A and B) that were continuously effective. School A was unified several years ago. The teachers are building a new school culture, involving "watching and checking inside school" and "taking learning hours." On the other hand, School B is characterized by "good class atmosphere" and "self-direction in learning." The two schools seem to have very different characteristics, but it can be pointed out that teachers of both are supportive in various aspects. Comparing these with the seven characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan, School A is a school that has (1) Ordered child groups and (6) A system that encourages learning (in School). By contrast, School B has (2) Mutual empowerment by students and (6) A system that encourages learning (at home). Moreover, both schools have (3) A school administration that values teamwork and (5) A positive school culture. From those analyses, it can be hypothesized that "Teacher Culture" and "School Culture" are important factors in the study of "Effective Schools."
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 2007-05-31
- 1.「効果的な学校」に社会的不平等の救済はできるのか? : マルチレベルモデルをもちいた「学校の効果」の分析(II-3部会 学校の効果,研究発表II)
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- 学校の力 : 「効果のある学校」は学力格差を克服しうるか(II-2部会 学力,研究発表II,一般研究報告)
- 学力格差を縮小する学校 : 「効果のある学校」の経年分析に向けて
- 3.習熟度別指導は有効か? : 「効果のある学校」論の視点から(I-3部会 初等中等教育の効果,研究発表I,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 中学生の進路希望の変容とその諸要因(【一般A-9】初等・中等教育,一般研究発表II,発表要旨)
- 3.「効果のある学校」から「力のある学校」へ : 階層間格差を超える学校改善モデルの構築(II-3部会 学校の効果,研究発表II)
- 3.子どもの言語運用における階層間格差 : 小学1年生の「物語作り」調査より(IV-10部会 幼児教育,研究発表IV)
- 個性尊重時代の自己肯定感と学力(【一般A-9】初等・中等教育(3),一般研究発表【A】,発表要旨)
- 学力格差と「学校の効果」 : 小学校の学力テスト分析から(「格差社会」と教育の課題)
- 日本における「言語コード論」の実証的検討 : 小学校入学時に言語的格差は存在するか
- 2. 学力政策の比較社会学(その2) : 全国学力テストは都道府県に何をもたらしたか(III-11部会 教育の政策と制度(2),研究発表III,一般研究報告)
- 2. 親のライフコースと子育て・教育 : 「格差社会における生活・子育て・教育」B市A団地調査から(I-5部会 【テーマ部会】子どもの貧困と教育,研究発表I,一般研究報告)
- ブックレビュー 近年の学力問題研究をめぐる動向
- 5. 子どもの階層的背景と統制様式についての一考察(IV-2部会 学校(3),研究発表IV,一般研究報告)