- 論文の詳細を見る
Biomass from oil palm is basically woody wastes after oil production. One of the most abundant wastes is EFB, empty fruit bunches. This material comes out from palm oil mills regularly after the removal of oil palm fruits for the oil production. Total amount of EFB in Malaysia and Indonesia is calculated to more than 8 million tons per year, which is almost equivalent to annual wood production in Japan. Despite of its abundance and usefulness, the utilization of EFB is still quite limited. A certain amount of EFB has been used as mulch mats, fertilizers and boiler fuel, but the rest of them are left unused. Under such circumstances, we have been carrying out research studies for the utilization of EFB as 'solid' materials such as the preparation of papermaking and dissolving pulps. Carrying out feasibility studies under 'ASEAN Biomass Project' since 2004, situation of EFB utilization has been examined through field works in some ASEAN countries; those are Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The plantation area of Malaysia used to be No.1 in the world, but now that of Indonesia is almost equivalent to the neighbouring country. It means that the production of palm oil increases so as EFB left behind at palm oil mills. Moreover, Thailand is planning to increase the production of the oil for biodiesel fuels, which means further increase in EFB amount will happen in ASEAN countries. From these viewpoints, EFB will become the most abundant and available woody biomass in the area, so that it is desirable to have an efficient usage of EFB for the sustainability of palm oil industries.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2007-06-20
小杉 昭彦
森 隆
田中 良平
田中 良平
森 隆
田中 良平
小杉 昭彦
森 隆
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