オイルパーム廃棄木樹液からのエタノール生産技術開発(<特集>リグノセルロース系バイオマスの次世代技術開発の動向 I)
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Oil palm trees have an economic life span of approximately 25 years, after which old trees are felled and replanted. In Malaysia alone, 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 palm trees are cut down every year. Although some portion of the old felled trunks is utilized for plywood manufacturing, almost all of them have no practical way of utilization and have become troublesome wastes. In an attempt to develop a method to utilize old oil palm trunks for fuel ethanol and usable materials production, we found that the felled oil palm trunk contains large quantity of sap, which accounts for 70% to 80% of the whole trunk weight, and that abundant glucose and other fermentable sugars exist in the sap. Furthermore, we found out for the first time that sugar concentrations in the sap increased by proper ripening. This phenomenon was confirmed with different major oil palm cultivars cultivated in Malaysia. Based on these findings we tried to ferment the sap to produce ethanol using an industrial alcohol producing strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other newly-isolated yeasts. Ethanol was produced from the sap at a comparable rate and yield to the reference fermentation, where glucose was used as a substrate. For practical implementation of fuel ethanol from the sap of felled trunks, a prototype sap squeezing system which is composed of a peeling machine, shredding machine and squeezing machine has been developed. Besides, we conducted a survey on the potential availability of old oil palm trunks felled for replanting over the next 25 years in Malaysia and made a trial calculation on the ethanol production potential and cost. The results indicate that the cost-effective ethanol production can be achieved using oil palm trunks felled for replanting. Thus, old oil palm trees are one of the most promising feedstock for fuel ethanol production in palm oil producing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2010-12-20
小杉 昭彦
森 隆
村田 善則
森 隆
小杉 昭彦
村田 善則
荒井 隆益
森 隆
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