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Along with the divergence from the traditional human resource management in Japanese firms, occupational health services organizations are required to develop the newer types of human resource development programs in response to competitiveness pressure, as one of the essential human resource strategies. In an increasingly complex health service environment, it is more difficult for medical staff to work comfortably than those in the past. Under these circumstances, little approach has been made to motivation, job satisfaction and work stress for paramedics in Japan. Therefore, This research examined the job stress and the health conditions on Japanese paramedics in consideration of the motivation and working conditions. In this study, the questionnaire investigation related to the motivation and job stress targeting paramedics in Japan was carried out in 2003. Valid respondents were 115 paramedics out of several areas of Chiba prefecture in Japan. For the analysis, the covariance structural modeling method was chosen because of examining the cause and effect relationships of several complex constructs at the same time. The first model investigated the job satisfaction variables leading to stress. The fit indices did not reveal an excellent fit of the model to the data ((x^2)=119.9, df=49, p=.000, GFI=.885, AGFI=.816, CFI=.901, RMSEA=.098). So, there is much room to improve the model, after increasing the subject from now on. The second model investigated the confidant variables leading to stress. The fit indices also reveal an excellent fit of the model to the data ((x^2)=9.5, df=7, p=.219, GFI=.980, AGFI =.941, CFI=.984, RMSEA=.049).As a result, time factors decrease the stress of paramedics positively and human relations at work as coworkers influence the health conditions significantly. In a few decades, several health problems have allegedly been associated with physical working conditions. A great concern has been raised in the business organization and particularly among factory workers. In the near future, much attention should be paid to medical staff, especially in paramedics who play important roles in medical scenes.
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