- 論文の詳細を見る
The temporal placement of joint attention provides rich soil for cultivation of the sharing object with adult as agent. However, joint attention involves a dynamic arrangement in many components, and the emphasis of its definition reveals substantial differences in researchers. As a result, parameters of joint attention include many kinds of behaviors, and those development times and the continuousness of development have not arrived at united opinions. These basic problems come from the inconsistency of the data related to the origin and the individualiiy. Therefore, the standardization of the development time of joint attention was attempted in this research through the crossing and the follow up investigation by a large sample of 3000 people. Subjects were investigated every 2 months from the age of 8 to 18 months. This research is continuing the follow up investigation, increasing the sample. The standardization of our longitudinal data suggested the development of the several different level of joint attention behaviors produced in infancy. Finely, the future methodology to evaluate longitudinally other aspects of the early assessment of the children with developmental disorders, was discussed in relation to the facilitative effect on their joint attention skills.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
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