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For the present study, semi-structured interviews were conducted on 13 families of patients who were undergoing surgical procedures. This study aimed to determine the following: how families perceived the explanation of the surgical procedure, the information and contents the families received during the period from immediately prior to the patients' entrance to the operating room to the end of the operation, the difficulty of the surgical procedure, the urgency of the procedure: the Support system available to family members; and the effects of the involvement of medical staff on the actions and psychological reserves among families waiting during surgical procedures. It was found that families waiting during surgical procedures were likely to relate the information. The criteria that were associated with psychological composure included: 1) a high possibility of predicting the outcome of the surgery; 2) a low-risk surgical procedure; 3) cooperation among the individuals who were waiting; 4) presence of medical staff among the family members; and 5) a trusting relationship with medical staff. It was found that asthese criteria were acquired, the families' psychological composure increased .
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