特別養護老人ホームでのターミナルケアにおける看護職者の課題 : 特別養護老人ホームの全国調査から
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to clarify the problems nurses face at specialized nursing homes for the elderly requiring terminal care. A questionnaire was sent to 800 specialized nursing homes for the elderly requiring care in Japan, and one person from each nursing home filled out the questionnaire and returned it to us by mail. The questionnaire dealt with issues such as professional backgrounds, terminal care, and nurses' opinions. Valid responses were obtained from 231 nursing homes (return rate:28.9%). As the result, it was found that the attitude of nurses regarding the terminal care was positive. However, specialized nursing homes for the elderly have some problems to be solved : contact with family, the medical treatment system, understanding by other healthcare workers. They were accorded with contents of nursing discontent. It is necessary that the nurses adjust the medical treatment system, the night shift system, personnel allocation, the families' cooperation and other occupations to enhance quality of terminal care. And they have to lead and divide the works among the other employees.
- 宮崎大学の論文
- 16.新採用になった病院看護師の自尊感情と職業性ストレス・精神健康との関連(一般口演,平成18年度日本産業衛生学会九州地方会学会,地方会・研究会記録)
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